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What's Required

"Dyslexia" means a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and sociocultural opportunity TEC 38.003(d)(1). Because early intervention is critical, a program for early identification, intervention, and support for students with dyslexia and related disorders must be available in each district as outlined in the Dyslexia Handbook Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders, 19 TAC 74.28(g), TEC 38.003(b) and TEC 38.003(c).

The board of trustees of a school district must ensure that procedures for identifying a student with dyslexia or a related disorder are implemented in the district 19 TAC 74.28(a) and TEC 38.003(c). A school district's strategies for screening dyslexia and related disorders must be implemented in accordance with the Dyslexia Handbook Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders. A school district's techniques for treating dyslexia and related disorders must be implemented in accordance with the Dyslexia Handbook Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders. Screening should only be done by individuals/professionals who are trained to assess students for dyslexia and related disorders 19 TAC 74.28(b).

What We Do

Dyslexia is characterized by difficulty:

  • Reading words in isolation,
  • K-1 Screener for dyslexia
  • Accurately decoding unfamiliar words,
  • Oral reading difficulties (slow, inaccurate, or labored), spelling difficulties.

Support for students demonstrating these types of reading difficulties is provided through Response to Intervention (RTI), Section 504, and special education. 

  • RTI is the first step to address the needs of students demonstrating characteristics of dyslexia, dyslexia related disorders, or any academic need. (refer to the Texas Handbook on Dyslexia in the resources section below).
  • Students do not have to be identified as receiving Section 504 or special education services in order to receive support through a campus RTI process.
  • If a student fails to respond to intervention, the RTI team may consider the following options:
    • Modify the RTI plan
    • Consider a referral for evaluation through Section 504
    • Consider a referral for evaluation through Special Education
    • Although no formal evaluation is required to participate in the RTI process, evaluation is required for any students considered for Section 504 or special education.
    • There is a process through general education for evaluation for Section 504
    • The campus Dyslexia Specialist maintains the responsibility for Dyslexia and related disorder identification for students referred to special education


Ore City High School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1221
Fax: +19037086495
Ore City Middle School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 2252
Fax: +19037086486
Ore City Elementary School
1000 US Hwy 259 S.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1237
Fax: +19037086201
Ore City Special Education Department
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1207
Fax: +19037086499

PIA Requests from this governmental body can be made by:

mail: Ore City ISD, Attn: Rachel Evers, 100 Rebel Rd., Ore City, TX 75683
email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
efax: +1 903-708-6485

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